You are here: home > playlists > 08/11/2011
prev Playlist: 8th November 2011 10:00pm - 12:00am next
New double CD
Steve HackettBeyond the Shrouded HorizonCatwalk
Derek's new one
Derek Sherinian w/ Steve StevensOceanaGhost Runner
Derek Sherinian w/ Doug AldrichOceanaEl Camino Diablo
Derek plays on Brad's album
Brad GillisGilrock RanchOpus Winfrus
The Magic ElfElf TalesCobbler's Quest (Parts I, II & III)
Nice stuff
Jose de CastroMomentsA.A.
Jay ParmarStrange DayNever Forget
ErrorheadErrorheadMiles from Nowhere
Scott's awesome!
Scott HendersonLive!Sultan's Boogie
Scott HendersonLive!Nairobe Express
Melodic Soloists
Stephane DufourMelodic SoloistsDanse Pauline Danse
Jerry JenningsMelodic SoloistsRule 14
Federico MirandaMelodic SoloistsSobre el agua
The Generation Ibanez Project
Eric SandsAcross the MilesMoe
Ken BurtchAcross the MilesPlastic Sin
Matt BrabenderAcross the MilesArdent Memento
Lovely! :)
Vinnie MooreTo the CoreRemorse