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prev Playlist: 17th December 2009 12:00am - 2:00am next
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Vinnie's latest CD; great stuff
Vinnie MooreTo the CoreTailspin
Vinnie plays on these tracks too
ZeroesqueMultipick TechniqueSlippery Slope
ZeroesqueZeroesqueNew Math
Kiko is brilliant
Kiko LoureiroNo GravityMoment of Truth
Kiko LoureiroUniverso InversoFeijao de Corda
Kiko LoureiroNo GravityEnfermo
These two are great also!
Rodrigo y GabrielaLive in JapanFoc
Rodrigo y GabrielaLive in JapanGabriela Solo
Rodrigo y GabrielaLive in JapanRodrigo Solo
John 5 is another very talented guitarist
John 5VertigoPulling Strings
John 5Songs for SanityFiddlers
John 5The Devil Knows My NameThe Washing Away of Wrong
John 5RequiemPity Belt
John 5RequiemCleansing the Soul
By request
CoronerPunishment for DecadencePurple Haze
For Brownie
RushDifferent StagesLimelight
RushDifferent Stages2112
Another fantastic player
Guthrie GovanErotic CakesNer Ner